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load the necessary packages

packages <- c("lavaan" , "semPlot", "semTools", "psych", "tidyverse", "reshape2", "knitr")

for(i in packages){
  if(!require(i, character.only = T)) install.packages(i, dependencies=T)
  library(i, character.only = T)
## Loading required package: lavaan
## This is lavaan 0.6-5.1457
## lavaan is BETA software! Please report any bugs.
## Loading required package: semPlot
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'huge':
##   method    from   
##   plot.sim  BDgraph
##   print.sim BDgraph
## Loading required package: semTools
## ###############################################################################
## This is semTools 0.5-1
## All users of R (or SEM) are invited to submit functions or ideas for functions.
## ###############################################################################
## Loading required package: psych
## Attaching package: 'psych'
## The following object is masked from 'package:semTools':
##     skew
## The following object is masked from 'package:lavaan':
##     cor2cov
## Loading required package: tidyverse
## -- Attaching packages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
## v ggplot2 3.2.1     v purrr   0.3.2
## v tibble  2.1.3     v dplyr   0.8.3
## v tidyr   0.8.3     v stringr 1.4.0
## v readr   1.3.1     v forcats 0.4.0
## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse_conflicts() --
## x ggplot2::%+%()     masks psych::%+%()
## x ggplot2::alpha()   masks psych::alpha()
## x readr::clipboard() masks semTools::clipboard()
## x dplyr::filter()    masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()       masks stats::lag()
## Loading required package: reshape2
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     smiths
## Loading required package: knitr
options(knitr.kable.NA = '')

load the datasets


Study 1

popexp1 = EXPTRT

convert the experimental treatment into factor

US$EXPTRT <- factor(US$EXPTRT, levels = c(0,1), labels = c("Control","Treatment"))

(+) political engagement strategy: active support in elections

US_model_PE <- '
pop =~ ant1 + ant2 + ant3 + ant5 + pop2 + pop3 + pop4 # populist attitudes
ase =~ anes617 + anes616 + anes615 # active support in elections
ase ~ pop # regression
US_PE_r_fit <- sem (US_model_PE, US, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                    group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                    group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts",
                                  "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances",
                    group.partial=c("means")) # restricted model

US_PE_f_fit <- sem (US_model_PE, US, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                    group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                    group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts", 
                                  "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances"),
                    group.partial=c("regressions", "means")) # free model

model comparison & summary

anova(US_PE_r_fit, US_PE_f_fit)
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##             Df   AIC   BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## US_PE_f_fit 96 15231 15383 194.47                              
## US_PE_r_fit 97 15231 15378 196.59     1.8669       1     0.1718
cf <- compareFit(US_PE_r_fit, US_PE_f_fit, nested=T)
## ################### Nested Model Comparison #########################
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##             Df   AIC   BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## US_PE_f_fit 96 15231 15383 194.47                              
## US_PE_r_fit 97 15231 15378 196.59     1.8669       1     0.1718
## ####################### Model Fit Indices ###########################
##             chisq.scaled df.scaled pvalue.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust
## US_PE_f_fit     147.006†        96          .001      .970†      .972†
## US_PE_r_fit     148.826         97          .001      .970       .972 
##                    aic        bic rmsea.robust  srmr
## US_PE_f_fit 15230.596† 15382.603         .047† .089†
## US_PE_r_fit 15230.716  15378.252†        .047  .090 
## ################## Differences in Fit Indices #######################
##                           df.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust  aic    bic
## US_PE_r_fit - US_PE_r_fit         1          0          0 0.12 -4.351
##                           rmsea.robust  srmr
## US_PE_r_fit - US_PE_r_fit            0 0.001

SEM estimates summary

summary(US_PE_r_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 56 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         64               
##   Number of equality constraints                    31               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                31               
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          331
##   Treatment                                        315
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                          109
##   Treatment                                        110
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     196.587     148.826
##   Degrees of freedom                                97          97
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.001
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.321
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                       98.281      74.404
##   Treatment                                     98.306      74.423
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             2389.856    1552.707
##   Degrees of freedom                                90          90
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.539
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.957       0.965
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.960       0.967
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.970
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.972
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7582.358   -7582.358
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.844
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -7484.064   -7484.064
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.401
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         33          33
##   Akaike (AIC)                               15230.716   15230.716
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             15378.252   15378.252
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        15273.478   15273.478
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.056       0.041
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.045  0.068       0.029  0.052
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.171       0.917
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.047
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.031  0.061
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.090       0.090
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.187    0.844
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.948    0.059   16.116    0.000    1.125    0.796
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.868    0.078   11.145    0.000    1.030    0.717
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.959    0.077   12.515    0.000    1.139    0.689
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.530    0.071    7.476    0.000    0.630    0.500
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.852    0.079   10.818    0.000    1.011    0.626
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.593    0.086    6.857    0.000    0.703    0.459
##   ase =~                                                                
##     anes617           1.000                               1.563    0.935
##     anes616 (.p9.)    1.041    0.038   27.245    0.000    1.626    0.939
##     anes615 (.10.)    0.812    0.046   17.705    0.000    1.269    0.751
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   ase ~                                                                 
##     pop     (.11.)   -0.315    0.071   -4.451    0.000   -0.239   -0.239
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.24.)    5.581    0.083   67.213    0.000    5.581    3.969
##    .ant2    (.25.)    5.552    0.082   67.317    0.000    5.552    3.928
##    .ant3    (.26.)    5.242    0.083   63.171    0.000    5.242    3.650
##    .ant5    (.27.)    4.563    0.092   49.372    0.000    4.563    2.761
##    .pop2    (.28.)    5.725    0.068   83.980    0.000    5.725    4.546
##    .pop3    (.29.)    5.184    0.090   57.682    0.000    5.184    3.210
##    .pop4    (.30.)    5.071    0.081   62.344    0.000    5.071    3.310
##    .anes617 (.31.)    2.027    0.089   22.869    0.000    2.027    1.213
##    .anes616 (.32.)    2.131    0.094   22.631    0.000    2.131    1.230
##    .anes615 (.33.)    2.087    0.084   24.897    0.000    2.087    1.236
##     pop               0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .ase               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.12.)    0.569    0.115    4.953    0.000    0.569    0.288
##    .ant2    (.13.)    0.731    0.118    6.216    0.000    0.731    0.366
##    .ant3    (.14.)    1.002    0.132    7.596    0.000    1.002    0.486
##    .ant5    (.15.)    1.433    0.157    9.120    0.000    1.433    0.525
##    .pop2    (.16.)    1.190    0.141    8.425    0.000    1.190    0.750
##    .pop3    (.17.)    1.586    0.208    7.612    0.000    1.586    0.608
##    .pop4    (.18.)    1.853    0.167   11.088    0.000    1.853    0.789
##    .anes617 (.19.)    0.352    0.083    4.258    0.000    0.352    0.126
##    .anes616 (.20.)    0.356    0.103    3.448    0.001    0.356    0.119
##    .anes615 (.21.)    1.244    0.137    9.052    0.000    1.244    0.436
##     pop     (.22.)    1.409    0.154    9.142    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .ase     (.23.)    2.302    0.200   11.503    0.000    0.943    0.943
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.712
##     ant2              0.634
##     ant3              0.514
##     ant5              0.475
##     pop2              0.250
##     pop3              0.392
##     pop4              0.211
##     anes617           0.874
##     anes616           0.881
##     anes615           0.564
##     ase               0.057
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.187    0.844
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.948    0.059   16.116    0.000    1.125    0.796
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.868    0.078   11.145    0.000    1.030    0.717
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.959    0.077   12.515    0.000    1.139    0.689
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.530    0.071    7.476    0.000    0.630    0.500
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.852    0.079   10.818    0.000    1.011    0.626
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.593    0.086    6.857    0.000    0.703    0.459
##   ase =~                                                                
##     anes617           1.000                               1.563    0.935
##     anes616 (.p9.)    1.041    0.038   27.245    0.000    1.626    0.939
##     anes615 (.10.)    0.812    0.046   17.705    0.000    1.269    0.751
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   ase ~                                                                 
##     pop     (.11.)   -0.315    0.071   -4.451    0.000   -0.239   -0.239
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.24.)    5.581    0.083   67.213    0.000    5.581    3.969
##    .ant2    (.25.)    5.552    0.082   67.317    0.000    5.552    3.928
##    .ant3    (.26.)    5.242    0.083   63.171    0.000    5.242    3.650
##    .ant5    (.27.)    4.563    0.092   49.372    0.000    4.563    2.761
##    .pop2    (.28.)    5.725    0.068   83.980    0.000    5.725    4.546
##    .pop3    (.29.)    5.184    0.090   57.682    0.000    5.184    3.210
##    .pop4    (.30.)    5.071    0.081   62.344    0.000    5.071    3.310
##    .anes617 (.31.)    2.027    0.089   22.869    0.000    2.027    1.213
##    .anes616 (.32.)    2.131    0.094   22.631    0.000    2.131    1.230
##    .anes615 (.33.)    2.087    0.084   24.897    0.000    2.087    1.236
##     pop              -0.014    0.105   -0.130    0.897   -0.012   -0.012
##    .ase               0.045    0.124    0.361    0.718    0.029    0.029
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.12.)    0.569    0.115    4.953    0.000    0.569    0.288
##    .ant2    (.13.)    0.731    0.118    6.216    0.000    0.731    0.366
##    .ant3    (.14.)    1.002    0.132    7.596    0.000    1.002    0.486
##    .ant5    (.15.)    1.433    0.157    9.120    0.000    1.433    0.525
##    .pop2    (.16.)    1.190    0.141    8.425    0.000    1.190    0.750
##    .pop3    (.17.)    1.586    0.208    7.612    0.000    1.586    0.608
##    .pop4    (.18.)    1.853    0.167   11.088    0.000    1.853    0.789
##    .anes617 (.19.)    0.352    0.083    4.258    0.000    0.352    0.126
##    .anes616 (.20.)    0.356    0.103    3.448    0.001    0.356    0.119
##    .anes615 (.21.)    1.244    0.137    9.052    0.000    1.244    0.436
##     pop     (.22.)    1.409    0.154    9.142    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .ase     (.23.)    2.302    0.200   11.503    0.000    0.943    0.943
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.712
##     ant2              0.634
##     ant3              0.514
##     ant5              0.475
##     pop2              0.250
##     pop3              0.392
##     pop4              0.211
##     anes617           0.874
##     anes616           0.881
##     anes615           0.564
##     ase               0.057
summary(US_PE_f_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 58 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         64               
##   Number of equality constraints                    30               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                30               
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          331
##   Treatment                                        315
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                          109
##   Treatment                                        110
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     194.467     147.006
##   Degrees of freedom                                96          96
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.001
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.323
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                       97.300      73.554
##   Treatment                                     97.167      73.453
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             2389.856    1552.707
##   Degrees of freedom                                90          90
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.539
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.957       0.965
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.960       0.967
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.970
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.972
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7581.298   -7581.298
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.862
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -7484.064   -7484.064
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.401
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         34          34
##   Akaike (AIC)                               15230.596   15230.596
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             15382.603   15382.603
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        15274.654   15274.654
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.056       0.041
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.045  0.068       0.029  0.052
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.173       0.918
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.047
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.031  0.061
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.089       0.089
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.187    0.844
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.949    0.059   16.060    0.000    1.126    0.797
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.868    0.078   11.171    0.000    1.030    0.717
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.960    0.076   12.567    0.000    1.139    0.689
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.532    0.071    7.511    0.000    0.631    0.501
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.849    0.078   10.833    0.000    1.008    0.624
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.594    0.086    6.888    0.000    0.705    0.460
##   ase =~                                                                
##     anes617           1.000                               1.540    0.934
##     anes616 (.p9.)    1.040    0.038   27.086    0.000    1.601    0.937
##     anes615 (.10.)    0.811    0.046   17.675    0.000    1.250    0.746
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   ase ~                                                                 
##     pop              -0.238    0.088   -2.690    0.007   -0.183   -0.183
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.24.)    5.580    0.083   67.234    0.000    5.580    3.970
##    .ant2    (.25.)    5.552    0.082   67.299    0.000    5.552    3.927
##    .ant3    (.26.)    5.243    0.083   63.171    0.000    5.243    3.651
##    .ant5    (.27.)    4.562    0.092   49.349    0.000    4.562    2.761
##    .pop2    (.28.)    5.725    0.068   83.960    0.000    5.725    4.545
##    .pop3    (.29.)    5.184    0.090   57.737    0.000    5.184    3.211
##    .pop4    (.30.)    5.072    0.081   62.316    0.000    5.072    3.310
##    .anes617 (.31.)    2.027    0.089   22.861    0.000    2.027    1.229
##    .anes616 (.32.)    2.131    0.094   22.638    0.000    2.131    1.246
##    .anes615 (.33.)    2.087    0.084   24.898    0.000    2.087    1.246
##     pop               0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .ase               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.12.)    0.568    0.115    4.935    0.000    0.568    0.287
##    .ant2    (.13.)    0.730    0.118    6.197    0.000    0.730    0.365
##    .ant3    (.14.)    1.002    0.131    7.622    0.000    1.002    0.486
##    .ant5    (.15.)    1.435    0.157    9.152    0.000    1.435    0.525
##    .pop2    (.16.)    1.188    0.141    8.419    0.000    1.188    0.749
##    .pop3    (.17.)    1.592    0.208    7.636    0.000    1.592    0.610
##    .pop4    (.18.)    1.851    0.166   11.131    0.000    1.851    0.789
##    .anes617 (.19.)    0.349    0.083    4.206    0.000    0.349    0.128
##    .anes616 (.20.)    0.359    0.103    3.477    0.001    0.359    0.123
##    .anes615 (.21.)    1.245    0.137    9.058    0.000    1.245    0.443
##     pop     (.22.)    1.408    0.154    9.164    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .ase     (.23.)    2.293    0.199   11.503    0.000    0.966    0.966
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.713
##     ant2              0.635
##     ant3              0.514
##     ant5              0.475
##     pop2              0.251
##     pop3              0.390
##     pop4              0.211
##     anes617           0.872
##     anes616           0.877
##     anes615           0.557
##     ase               0.034
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.187    0.844
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.949    0.059   16.060    0.000    1.126    0.797
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.868    0.078   11.171    0.000    1.030    0.717
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.960    0.076   12.567    0.000    1.139    0.689
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.532    0.071    7.511    0.000    0.631    0.501
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.849    0.078   10.833    0.000    1.008    0.624
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.594    0.086    6.888    0.000    0.705    0.460
##   ase =~                                                                
##     anes617           1.000                               1.590    0.937
##     anes616 (.p9.)    1.040    0.038   27.086    0.000    1.653    0.940
##     anes615 (.10.)    0.811    0.046   17.675    0.000    1.290    0.756
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   ase ~                                                                 
##     pop              -0.409    0.101   -4.034    0.000   -0.305   -0.305
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.24.)    5.580    0.083   67.234    0.000    5.580    3.970
##    .ant2    (.25.)    5.552    0.082   67.299    0.000    5.552    3.927
##    .ant3    (.26.)    5.243    0.083   63.171    0.000    5.243    3.651
##    .ant5    (.27.)    4.562    0.092   49.349    0.000    4.562    2.761
##    .pop2    (.28.)    5.725    0.068   83.960    0.000    5.725    4.545
##    .pop3    (.29.)    5.184    0.090   57.737    0.000    5.184    3.211
##    .pop4    (.30.)    5.072    0.081   62.316    0.000    5.072    3.310
##    .anes617 (.31.)    2.027    0.089   22.861    0.000    2.027    1.195
##    .anes616 (.32.)    2.131    0.094   22.638    0.000    2.131    1.212
##    .anes615 (.33.)    2.087    0.084   24.898    0.000    2.087    1.224
##     pop              -0.014    0.105   -0.132    0.895   -0.012   -0.012
##    .ase               0.044    0.125    0.348    0.728    0.027    0.027
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.12.)    0.568    0.115    4.935    0.000    0.568    0.287
##    .ant2    (.13.)    0.730    0.118    6.197    0.000    0.730    0.365
##    .ant3    (.14.)    1.002    0.131    7.622    0.000    1.002    0.486
##    .ant5    (.15.)    1.435    0.157    9.152    0.000    1.435    0.525
##    .pop2    (.16.)    1.188    0.141    8.419    0.000    1.188    0.749
##    .pop3    (.17.)    1.592    0.208    7.636    0.000    1.592    0.610
##    .pop4    (.18.)    1.851    0.166   11.131    0.000    1.851    0.789
##    .anes617 (.19.)    0.349    0.083    4.206    0.000    0.349    0.121
##    .anes616 (.20.)    0.359    0.103    3.477    0.001    0.359    0.116
##    .anes615 (.21.)    1.245    0.137    9.058    0.000    1.245    0.428
##     pop     (.22.)    1.408    0.154    9.164    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .ase     (.23.)    2.293    0.199   11.503    0.000    0.907    0.907
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.713
##     ant2              0.635
##     ant3              0.514
##     ant5              0.475
##     pop2              0.251
##     pop3              0.390
##     pop4              0.211
##     anes617           0.879
##     anes616           0.884
##     anes615           0.572
##     ase               0.093

plot the path models

semPaths(US_PE_r_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
semPaths(US_PE_f_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
## null device 
##           1

(-) political engagement strategy: legitimate radical political action

US_model_NE <- '
pop =~ ant1 + ant2 + ant3 + ant5 + pop2 + pop3 + pop4 # populist attitudes
rpa =~ radact1 + radact2 + radact3 + radact5 + radact6 # legitimate radical political action
rpa ~ pop # regression
US_NE_r_fit <- sem (US_model_NE, US, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                    group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                    group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts",
                                  "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances",

US_NE_f_fit <- sem (US_model_NE, US, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                    group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                    group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts", 
                                  "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances"),
                    group.partial=c("regressions", "means"))

model comparison & summary

anova(US_NE_r_fit, US_NE_f_fit)
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##              Df   AIC   BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)  
## US_NE_f_fit 140 16048 16227 301.80                                
## US_NE_r_fit 141 16050 16225 306.01     4.2679       1    0.03884 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
cf <- compareFit(US_NE_r_fit, US_NE_f_fit, nested=T)
## ################### Nested Model Comparison #########################
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##              Df   AIC   BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)  
## US_NE_f_fit 140 16048 16227 301.80                                
## US_NE_r_fit 141 16050 16225 306.01     4.2679       1    0.03884 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## ####################### Model Fit Indices ###########################
##             chisq.scaled df.scaled pvalue.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust
## US_NE_f_fit     256.871†       140          .000      .916†      .921†
## US_NE_r_fit     260.751        141          .000      .914       .919 
##                    aic        bic rmsea.robust  srmr
## US_NE_f_fit 16048.103† 16226.935         .055† .095†
## US_NE_r_fit 16050.314  16224.675†        .056  .101 
## ################## Differences in Fit Indices #######################
##                           df.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust   aic   bic
## US_NE_r_fit - US_NE_r_fit         1     -0.002     -0.001 2.211 -2.26
##                           rmsea.robust  srmr
## US_NE_r_fit - US_NE_r_fit            0 0.006

SEM estimates summary

summary(US_NE_r_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 56 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         76               
##   Number of equality constraints                    37               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                37               
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          331
##   Treatment                                        315
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                          308
##   Treatment                                        304
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     306.013     260.751
##   Degrees of freedom                               141         141
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.174
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                      169.178     144.155
##   Treatment                                    136.835     116.596
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             1803.589    1371.892
##   Degrees of freedom                               132         132
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.315
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.901       0.903
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.908       0.910
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.914
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.919
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7986.157   -7986.157
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.763
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -7833.150   -7833.150
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.242
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         39          39
##   Akaike (AIC)                               16050.314   16050.314
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             16224.675   16224.675
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        16100.852   16100.852
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.060       0.051
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.051  0.069       0.042  0.060
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.035       0.396
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.056
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.045  0.066
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.101       0.101
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.201    0.853
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.935    0.058   16.236    0.000    1.123    0.796
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.846    0.077   11.039    0.000    1.016    0.707
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.943    0.076   12.338    0.000    1.132    0.684
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.521    0.070    7.501    0.000    0.626    0.497
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.847    0.077   11.035    0.000    1.017    0.631
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.579    0.086    6.763    0.000    0.695    0.454
##   rpa =~                                                                
##     radact1           1.000                               1.062    0.720
##     radact2 (.p9.)    1.293    0.138    9.340    0.000    1.372    0.809
##     radact3 (.10.)    1.324    0.120   11.001    0.000    1.406    0.861
##     radact5 (.11.)    1.211    0.125    9.697    0.000    1.285    0.828
##     radact6 (.12.)    1.065    0.100   10.600    0.000    1.130    0.624
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   rpa ~                                                                 
##     pop     (.13.)   -0.061    0.048   -1.278    0.201   -0.069   -0.069
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.28.)    5.579    0.083   67.073    0.000    5.579    3.966
##    .ant2    (.29.)    5.554    0.082   67.414    0.000    5.554    3.934
##    .ant3    (.30.)    5.243    0.083   63.372    0.000    5.243    3.652
##    .ant5    (.31.)    4.564    0.092   49.353    0.000    4.564    2.759
##    .pop2    (.32.)    5.725    0.068   83.955    0.000    5.725    4.547
##    .pop3    (.33.)    5.187    0.090   57.690    0.000    5.187    3.215
##    .pop4    (.34.)    5.069    0.081   62.400    0.000    5.069    3.310
##    .radact1 (.35.)    1.855    0.081   22.871    0.000    1.855    1.259
##    .radact2 (.36.)    2.399    0.095   25.127    0.000    2.399    1.414
##    .radact3 (.37.)    2.231    0.092   24.141    0.000    2.231    1.367
##    .radact5 (.38.)    2.200    0.087   25.198    0.000    2.200    1.418
##    .radact6 (.39.)    2.886    0.098   29.456    0.000    2.886    1.593
##     pop               0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .rpa               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.14.)    0.537    0.112    4.809    0.000    0.537    0.272
##    .ant2    (.15.)    0.732    0.117    6.246    0.000    0.732    0.367
##    .ant3    (.16.)    1.030    0.136    7.592    0.000    1.030    0.500
##    .ant5    (.17.)    1.455    0.160    9.067    0.000    1.455    0.532
##    .pop2    (.18.)    1.193    0.142    8.413    0.000    1.193    0.753
##    .pop3    (.19.)    1.568    0.207    7.564    0.000    1.568    0.602
##    .pop4    (.20.)    1.863    0.169   11.012    0.000    1.863    0.794
##    .radact1 (.21.)    1.046    0.152    6.892    0.000    1.046    0.481
##    .radact2 (.22.)    0.995    0.228    4.369    0.000    0.995    0.346
##    .radact3 (.23.)    0.689    0.171    4.030    0.000    0.689    0.258
##    .radact5 (.24.)    0.756    0.179    4.234    0.000    0.756    0.314
##    .radact6 (.25.)    2.007    0.215    9.345    0.000    2.007    0.611
##     pop     (.26.)    1.442    0.153    9.427    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .rpa     (.27.)    1.122    0.191    5.878    0.000    0.995    0.995
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.728
##     ant2              0.633
##     ant3              0.500
##     ant5              0.468
##     pop2              0.247
##     pop3              0.398
##     pop4              0.206
##     radact1           0.519
##     radact2           0.654
##     radact3           0.742
##     radact5           0.686
##     radact6           0.389
##     rpa               0.005
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.201    0.853
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.935    0.058   16.236    0.000    1.123    0.796
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.846    0.077   11.039    0.000    1.016    0.707
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.943    0.076   12.338    0.000    1.132    0.684
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.521    0.070    7.501    0.000    0.626    0.497
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.847    0.077   11.035    0.000    1.017    0.631
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.579    0.086    6.763    0.000    0.695    0.454
##   rpa =~                                                                
##     radact1           1.000                               1.062    0.720
##     radact2 (.p9.)    1.293    0.138    9.340    0.000    1.372    0.809
##     radact3 (.10.)    1.324    0.120   11.001    0.000    1.406    0.861
##     radact5 (.11.)    1.211    0.125    9.697    0.000    1.285    0.828
##     radact6 (.12.)    1.065    0.100   10.600    0.000    1.130    0.624
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   rpa ~                                                                 
##     pop     (.13.)   -0.061    0.048   -1.278    0.201   -0.069   -0.069
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.28.)    5.579    0.083   67.073    0.000    5.579    3.966
##    .ant2    (.29.)    5.554    0.082   67.414    0.000    5.554    3.934
##    .ant3    (.30.)    5.243    0.083   63.372    0.000    5.243    3.652
##    .ant5    (.31.)    4.564    0.092   49.353    0.000    4.564    2.759
##    .pop2    (.32.)    5.725    0.068   83.955    0.000    5.725    4.547
##    .pop3    (.33.)    5.187    0.090   57.690    0.000    5.187    3.215
##    .pop4    (.34.)    5.069    0.081   62.400    0.000    5.069    3.310
##    .radact1 (.35.)    1.855    0.081   22.871    0.000    1.855    1.259
##    .radact2 (.36.)    2.399    0.095   25.127    0.000    2.399    1.414
##    .radact3 (.37.)    2.231    0.092   24.141    0.000    2.231    1.367
##    .radact5 (.38.)    2.200    0.087   25.198    0.000    2.200    1.418
##    .radact6 (.39.)    2.886    0.098   29.456    0.000    2.886    1.593
##     pop              -0.014    0.107   -0.133    0.894   -0.012   -0.012
##    .rpa               0.141    0.092    1.534    0.125    0.133    0.133
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.14.)    0.537    0.112    4.809    0.000    0.537    0.272
##    .ant2    (.15.)    0.732    0.117    6.246    0.000    0.732    0.367
##    .ant3    (.16.)    1.030    0.136    7.592    0.000    1.030    0.500
##    .ant5    (.17.)    1.455    0.160    9.067    0.000    1.455    0.532
##    .pop2    (.18.)    1.193    0.142    8.413    0.000    1.193    0.753
##    .pop3    (.19.)    1.568    0.207    7.564    0.000    1.568    0.602
##    .pop4    (.20.)    1.863    0.169   11.012    0.000    1.863    0.794
##    .radact1 (.21.)    1.046    0.152    6.892    0.000    1.046    0.481
##    .radact2 (.22.)    0.995    0.228    4.369    0.000    0.995    0.346
##    .radact3 (.23.)    0.689    0.171    4.030    0.000    0.689    0.258
##    .radact5 (.24.)    0.756    0.179    4.234    0.000    0.756    0.314
##    .radact6 (.25.)    2.007    0.215    9.345    0.000    2.007    0.611
##     pop     (.26.)    1.442    0.153    9.427    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .rpa     (.27.)    1.122    0.191    5.878    0.000    0.995    0.995
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.728
##     ant2              0.633
##     ant3              0.500
##     ant5              0.468
##     pop2              0.247
##     pop3              0.398
##     pop4              0.206
##     radact1           0.519
##     radact2           0.654
##     radact3           0.742
##     radact5           0.686
##     radact6           0.389
##     rpa               0.005
summary(US_NE_f_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 64 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         76               
##   Number of equality constraints                    36               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                36               
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          331
##   Treatment                                        315
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                          308
##   Treatment                                        304
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     301.802     256.871
##   Degrees of freedom                               140         140
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.175
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                      167.716     142.746
##   Treatment                                    134.087     114.124
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             1803.589    1371.892
##   Degrees of freedom                               132         132
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.315
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.903       0.906
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.909       0.911
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.916
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.921
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7984.052   -7984.052
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.776
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -7833.150   -7833.150
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.242
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         40          40
##   Akaike (AIC)                               16048.103   16048.103
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             16226.935   16226.935
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        16099.937   16099.937
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.060       0.051
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.051  0.069       0.042  0.060
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.041       0.428
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.055
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.044  0.066
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.095       0.095
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.201    0.854
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.933    0.058   16.182    0.000    1.121    0.794
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.843    0.076   11.034    0.000    1.012    0.705
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.942    0.077   12.294    0.000    1.132    0.684
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.524    0.069    7.535    0.000    0.629    0.499
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.849    0.076   11.114    0.000    1.020    0.632
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.581    0.086    6.785    0.000    0.698    0.456
##   rpa =~                                                                
##     radact1           1.000                               1.055    0.718
##     radact2 (.p9.)    1.292    0.138    9.382    0.000    1.363    0.807
##     radact3 (.10.)    1.321    0.119   11.060    0.000    1.393    0.859
##     radact5 (.11.)    1.211    0.125    9.715    0.000    1.277    0.827
##     radact6 (.12.)    1.065    0.100   10.624    0.000    1.123    0.621
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   rpa ~                                                                 
##     pop               0.019    0.052    0.362    0.718    0.021    0.021
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.28.)    5.579    0.083   67.015    0.000    5.579    3.966
##    .ant2    (.29.)    5.553    0.082   67.475    0.000    5.553    3.934
##    .ant3    (.30.)    5.242    0.083   63.386    0.000    5.242    3.652
##    .ant5    (.31.)    4.563    0.093   49.302    0.000    4.563    2.758
##    .pop2    (.32.)    5.724    0.068   83.874    0.000    5.724    4.546
##    .pop3    (.33.)    5.188    0.090   57.700    0.000    5.188    3.217
##    .pop4    (.34.)    5.071    0.081   62.412    0.000    5.071    3.310
##    .radact1 (.35.)    1.855    0.081   22.865    0.000    1.855    1.263
##    .radact2 (.36.)    2.397    0.095   25.123    0.000    2.397    1.420
##    .radact3 (.37.)    2.229    0.092   24.148    0.000    2.229    1.373
##    .radact5 (.38.)    2.200    0.087   25.189    0.000    2.200    1.424
##    .radact6 (.39.)    2.887    0.098   29.450    0.000    2.887    1.596
##     pop               0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .rpa               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.14.)    0.535    0.111    4.822    0.000    0.535    0.271
##    .ant2    (.15.)    0.737    0.118    6.251    0.000    0.737    0.370
##    .ant3    (.16.)    1.036    0.136    7.631    0.000    1.036    0.503
##    .ant5    (.17.)    1.458    0.161    9.045    0.000    1.458    0.532
##    .pop2    (.18.)    1.190    0.142    8.377    0.000    1.190    0.751
##    .pop3    (.19.)    1.561    0.207    7.543    0.000    1.561    0.600
##    .pop4    (.20.)    1.859    0.170   10.968    0.000    1.859    0.792
##    .radact1 (.21.)    1.044    0.151    6.905    0.000    1.044    0.484
##    .radact2 (.22.)    0.993    0.227    4.376    0.000    0.993    0.348
##    .radact3 (.23.)    0.693    0.169    4.106    0.000    0.693    0.263
##    .radact5 (.24.)    0.754    0.179    4.224    0.000    0.754    0.316
##    .radact6 (.25.)    2.008    0.215    9.351    0.000    2.008    0.614
##     pop     (.26.)    1.443    0.153    9.430    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .rpa     (.27.)    1.112    0.189    5.890    0.000    1.000    1.000
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.729
##     ant2              0.630
##     ant3              0.497
##     ant5              0.468
##     pop2              0.249
##     pop3              0.400
##     pop4              0.208
##     radact1           0.516
##     radact2           0.652
##     radact3           0.737
##     radact5           0.684
##     radact6           0.386
##     rpa               0.000
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              1.000                               1.201    0.854
##     ant2    (.p2.)    0.933    0.058   16.182    0.000    1.121    0.794
##     ant3    (.p3.)    0.843    0.076   11.034    0.000    1.012    0.705
##     ant5    (.p4.)    0.942    0.077   12.294    0.000    1.132    0.684
##     pop2    (.p5.)    0.524    0.069    7.535    0.000    0.629    0.499
##     pop3    (.p6.)    0.849    0.076   11.114    0.000    1.020    0.632
##     pop4    (.p7.)    0.581    0.086    6.785    0.000    0.698    0.456
##   rpa =~                                                                
##     radact1           1.000                               1.072    0.724
##     radact2 (.p9.)    1.292    0.138    9.382    0.000    1.385    0.812
##     radact3 (.10.)    1.321    0.119   11.060    0.000    1.416    0.862
##     radact5 (.11.)    1.211    0.125    9.715    0.000    1.298    0.831
##     radact6 (.12.)    1.065    0.100   10.624    0.000    1.141    0.627
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   rpa ~                                                                 
##     pop              -0.160    0.079   -2.022    0.043   -0.179   -0.179
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.28.)    5.579    0.083   67.015    0.000    5.579    3.966
##    .ant2    (.29.)    5.553    0.082   67.475    0.000    5.553    3.934
##    .ant3    (.30.)    5.242    0.083   63.386    0.000    5.242    3.652
##    .ant5    (.31.)    4.563    0.093   49.302    0.000    4.563    2.758
##    .pop2    (.32.)    5.724    0.068   83.874    0.000    5.724    4.546
##    .pop3    (.33.)    5.188    0.090   57.700    0.000    5.188    3.217
##    .pop4    (.34.)    5.071    0.081   62.412    0.000    5.071    3.310
##    .radact1 (.35.)    1.855    0.081   22.865    0.000    1.855    1.253
##    .radact2 (.36.)    2.397    0.095   25.123    0.000    2.397    1.405
##    .radact3 (.37.)    2.229    0.092   24.148    0.000    2.229    1.357
##    .radact5 (.38.)    2.200    0.087   25.189    0.000    2.200    1.409
##    .radact6 (.39.)    2.887    0.098   29.450    0.000    2.887    1.587
##     pop              -0.015    0.107   -0.136    0.892   -0.012   -0.012
##    .rpa               0.140    0.093    1.510    0.131    0.131    0.131
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1    (.14.)    0.535    0.111    4.822    0.000    0.535    0.271
##    .ant2    (.15.)    0.737    0.118    6.251    0.000    0.737    0.370
##    .ant3    (.16.)    1.036    0.136    7.631    0.000    1.036    0.503
##    .ant5    (.17.)    1.458    0.161    9.045    0.000    1.458    0.532
##    .pop2    (.18.)    1.190    0.142    8.377    0.000    1.190    0.751
##    .pop3    (.19.)    1.561    0.207    7.543    0.000    1.561    0.600
##    .pop4    (.20.)    1.859    0.170   10.968    0.000    1.859    0.792
##    .radact1 (.21.)    1.044    0.151    6.905    0.000    1.044    0.476
##    .radact2 (.22.)    0.993    0.227    4.376    0.000    0.993    0.341
##    .radact3 (.23.)    0.693    0.169    4.106    0.000    0.693    0.257
##    .radact5 (.24.)    0.754    0.179    4.224    0.000    0.754    0.309
##    .radact6 (.25.)    2.008    0.215    9.351    0.000    2.008    0.606
##     pop     (.26.)    1.443    0.153    9.430    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .rpa     (.27.)    1.112    0.189    5.890    0.000    0.968    0.968
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.729
##     ant2              0.630
##     ant3              0.497
##     ant5              0.468
##     pop2              0.249
##     pop3              0.400
##     pop4              0.208
##     radact1           0.524
##     radact2           0.659
##     radact3           0.743
##     radact5           0.691
##     radact6           0.394
##     rpa               0.032

plot the path models

semPaths(US_NE_r_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
semPaths(US_NE_f_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
## null device 
##           1

Study 2 DE sample 1

convert the experimental treatment into factor

DE1$EXPTRT <- factor(DE1$EXPTRT, levels = c(0,3), labels = c("Control","Treatment"))

measurement model

get the single populism score from multiple dimensions

as explained in Castanho Silva, Bruno, Ioannis Andreadis, Eva Anduiza, Nebojsa Blanusa, Yazmin Morlet Corti, Gisela Delfino, Guillem Rico, Saskia P. Ruth, Bram Spruyt, Marco Steenbergen, and Levente Littvay. 2018. “Public Opinion Surveys: a New Scale”. In: The Ideational Approach to Populism: Theory, Method & Analysis, edited by Kirk A. Hawkins, Ryan Carlin, Levente Littvay, and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. London: Routledge. 150-177

see also Castanho Silva, Bruno, Sebastian Jungkunz, Marc Helbling, and Levente Littvay. 2019. “An Empirical Comparison of Seven Populist Attitudes Scales”. Political Research Quarterly.

DE_S1_measure.model <-'
pc =~ POPpc3 + POPpc1
ae =~ POPae3 + POPae1
mw =~ POPmwv3 + POPmwv1
' <-cfa(DE_S1_measure.model, DE1, estimator='mlr', mimic='mplus',missing='fiml', sample.mean=T)
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   13 125 158 266
range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x,na.rm=T))/(max(x,na.rm=T)-min(x,na.rm=T))}

(+) political engagement strategy: being an active citizen

DE1_model_PE <-'
gc =~ alwVote + KWAoGov + ActSocPol
gc ~ pop # regression

DE1_PE_r_fit <- sem (DE1_model_PE,DE1, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                     group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                     group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts",
                                   "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances",
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 3 cases were deleted in group Control due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group Treatment due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.
DE1_PE_f_fit <- sem (DE1_model_PE,DE1, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                     group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                     group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts", 
                                   "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances"),
                     group.partial=c("regressions", "means"))
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 3 cases were deleted in group Control due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.

## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group Treatment due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.

model comparison & summary

anova(DE1_PE_r_fit, DE1_PE_f_fit)
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##              Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## DE1_PE_f_fit 12 3102.1 3146.6 17.593                              
## DE1_PE_r_fit 13 3100.9 3141.6 18.354    0.73563       1     0.3911
cf <- compareFit(DE1_PE_r_fit, DE1_PE_f_fit, nested=T)
## ################### Nested Model Comparison #########################
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##              Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## DE1_PE_f_fit 12 3102.1 3146.6 17.593                              
## DE1_PE_r_fit 13 3100.9 3141.6 18.354    0.73563       1     0.3911
## ####################### Model Fit Indices ###########################
##              chisq.scaled df.scaled pvalue.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust
## DE1_PE_f_fit      16.406†        12          .173      .958       .958 
## DE1_PE_r_fit      17.163         13          .192      .961†      .964†
##                    aic       bic rmsea.robust  srmr
## DE1_PE_f_fit 3102.127  3146.573         .051  .053†
## DE1_PE_r_fit 3100.888† 3141.630†        .048† .056 
## ################## Differences in Fit Indices #######################
##                             df.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust    aic    bic
## DE1_PE_r_fit - DE1_PE_r_fit         1      0.002      0.005 -1.239 -4.943
##                             rmsea.robust  srmr
## DE1_PE_r_fit - DE1_PE_r_fit       -0.003 0.003

SEM estimates summary

summary(DE1_PE_r_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 40 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         21               
##   Number of equality constraints                    10               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                10               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          154         157
##   Treatment                                        146         147
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                            2
##   Treatment                                          2
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                      18.354      17.163
##   Degrees of freedom                                13          13
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.145       0.192
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.069
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                        9.173       8.578
##   Treatment                                      9.181       8.585
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic              125.848     118.841
##   Degrees of freedom                                12          12
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.059
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.953       0.961
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.957       0.964
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.961
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.964
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -1539.444   -1539.444
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.610
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -1530.267   -1530.267
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.113
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         11          11
##   Akaike (AIC)                                3100.888    3100.888
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              3141.630    3141.630
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         3106.744    3106.744
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.052       0.046
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.000  0.103       0.000  0.097
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.424       0.497
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.048
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.000  0.102
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.056       0.056
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc =~                                                                 
##     alwVote           1.000                               0.772    0.525
##     KWAoGov (.p2.)    1.091    0.214    5.109    0.000    0.842    0.662
##     ActScPl (.p3.)    1.260    0.238    5.282    0.000    0.973    0.625
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc ~                                                                  
##     pop     (.p4.)   -0.237    0.496   -0.479    0.632   -0.307   -0.037
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.10.)    5.738    0.108   53.354    0.000    5.738    3.903
##    .KWAoGov (.11.)    5.288    0.111   47.450    0.000    5.288    4.153
##    .ActScPl (.12.)    4.487    0.123   36.466    0.000    4.487    2.884
##    .gc                0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.p5.)    1.565    0.226    6.928    0.000    1.565    0.724
##    .KWAoGov (.p6.)    0.911    0.155    5.887    0.000    0.911    0.562
##    .ActScPl (.p7.)    1.474    0.225    6.552    0.000    1.474    0.609
##    .gc      (.p8.)    0.595    0.184    3.237    0.001    0.999    0.999
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     alwVote           0.276
##     KWAoGov           0.438
##     ActSocPol         0.391
##     gc                0.001
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc =~                                                                 
##     alwVote           1.000                               0.772    0.525
##     KWAoGov (.p2.)    1.091    0.214    5.109    0.000    0.843    0.662
##     ActScPl (.p3.)    1.260    0.238    5.282    0.000    0.973    0.625
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc ~                                                                  
##     pop     (.p4.)   -0.237    0.496   -0.479    0.632   -0.307   -0.040
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.10.)    5.738    0.108   53.354    0.000    5.738    3.903
##    .KWAoGov (.11.)    5.288    0.111   47.450    0.000    5.288    4.153
##    .ActScPl (.12.)    4.487    0.123   36.466    0.000    4.487    2.884
##    .gc                0.201    0.116    1.729    0.084    0.260    0.260
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.p5.)    1.565    0.226    6.928    0.000    1.565    0.724
##    .KWAoGov (.p6.)    0.911    0.155    5.887    0.000    0.911    0.562
##    .ActScPl (.p7.)    1.474    0.225    6.552    0.000    1.474    0.609
##    .gc      (.p8.)    0.595    0.184    3.237    0.001    0.998    0.998
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     alwVote           0.276
##     KWAoGov           0.438
##     ActSocPol         0.391
##     gc                0.002
summary(DE1_PE_f_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 44 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         21               
##   Number of equality constraints                     9               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                 9               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          154         157
##   Treatment                                        146         147
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                            2
##   Treatment                                          2
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                      17.593      16.406
##   Degrees of freedom                                12          12
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.129       0.173
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.072
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                        9.016       8.408
##   Treatment                                      8.577       7.999
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic              125.848     118.841
##   Degrees of freedom                                12          12
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.059
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.951       0.959
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.951       0.959
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.958
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.958
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -1539.064   -1539.064
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.659
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -1530.267   -1530.267
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.113
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         12          12
##   Akaike (AIC)                                3102.127    3102.127
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              3146.573    3146.573
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         3108.516    3108.516
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.056       0.049
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.000  0.108       0.000  0.102
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.386       0.458
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.051
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.000  0.107
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.053       0.053
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc =~                                                                 
##     alwVote           1.000                               0.769    0.523
##     KWAoGov (.p2.)    1.086    0.209    5.189    0.000    0.835    0.656
##     ActScPl (.p3.)    1.273    0.247    5.163    0.000    0.978    0.629
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc ~                                                                  
##     pop               0.169    0.633    0.266    0.790    0.219    0.026
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.10.)    5.700    0.114   50.033    0.000    5.700    3.880
##    .KWAoGov (.11.)    5.247    0.121   43.473    0.000    5.247    4.125
##    .ActScPl (.12.)    4.438    0.138   32.164    0.000    4.438    2.855
##    .gc                0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.p5.)    1.567    0.226    6.946    0.000    1.567    0.726
##    .KWAoGov (.p6.)    0.921    0.156    5.886    0.000    0.921    0.569
##    .ActScPl (.p7.)    1.458    0.231    6.309    0.000    1.458    0.604
##    .gc      (.p8.)    0.590    0.183    3.228    0.001    0.999    0.999
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     alwVote           0.274
##     KWAoGov           0.431
##     ActSocPol         0.396
##     gc                0.001
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc =~                                                                 
##     alwVote           1.000                               0.772    0.525
##     KWAoGov (.p2.)    1.086    0.209    5.189    0.000    0.839    0.658
##     ActScPl (.p3.)    1.273    0.247    5.163    0.000    0.983    0.631
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   gc ~                                                                  
##     pop              -0.608    0.694   -0.877    0.381   -0.787   -0.103
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.10.)    5.700    0.114   50.033    0.000    5.700    3.874
##    .KWAoGov (.11.)    5.247    0.121   43.473    0.000    5.247    4.116
##    .ActScPl (.12.)    4.438    0.138   32.164    0.000    4.438    2.850
##    .gc                0.274    0.143    1.922    0.055    0.355    0.355
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .alwVote (.p5.)    1.567    0.226    6.946    0.000    1.567    0.724
##    .KWAoGov (.p6.)    0.921    0.156    5.886    0.000    0.921    0.567
##    .ActScPl (.p7.)    1.458    0.231    6.309    0.000    1.458    0.601
##    .gc      (.p8.)    0.590    0.183    3.228    0.001    0.989    0.989
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     alwVote           0.276
##     KWAoGov           0.433
##     ActSocPol         0.399
##     gc                0.011

plot the path models

semPaths(DE1_PE_r_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
semPaths(DE1_PE_f_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
## null device 
##           1

(-) political engagement strategy: abstaining from voting

DE1_model_NE <-'
vot =~ a*vp1 + a*vp3 # not voting
vot ~ pop # regression
DE1_NE_r_fit <- sem (DE1_model_NE, DE1, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                     group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                     group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts",
                                   "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances",
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 3 cases were deleted in group Control due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group Treatment due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.
DE1_NE_f_fit <- sem (DE1_model_NE, DE1, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                     group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                     group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts", 
                                   "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances"),
                     group.partial=c("regressions", "means"))
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 3 cases were deleted in group Control due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.

## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group Treatment due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.

model comparison & summary

anova(DE1_NE_r_fit, DE1_NE_f_fit)
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##              Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## DE1_NE_f_fit  6 2279.5 2309.2 1.6650                              
## DE1_NE_r_fit  7 2278.4 2304.3 2.4931    0.73153       1     0.3924
cf <- compareFit(DE1_NE_r_fit, DE1_NE_f_fit, nested=T)
## ################### Nested Model Comparison #########################
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##              Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)
## DE1_NE_f_fit  6 2279.5 2309.2 1.6650                              
## DE1_NE_r_fit  7 2278.4 2304.3 2.4931    0.73153       1     0.3924
## ####################### Model Fit Indices ###########################
##              chisq.scaled df.scaled pvalue.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust
## DE1_NE_f_fit       1.323†         6          .970     1.000†     1.088†
## DE1_NE_r_fit       2.009          7          .959     1.000†     1.079 
##                    aic       bic rmsea.robust  srmr
## DE1_NE_f_fit 2279.542  2309.172         .000† .017†
## DE1_NE_r_fit 2278.370† 2304.297†        .000† .027 
## ################## Differences in Fit Indices #######################
##                             df.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust    aic    bic
## DE1_NE_r_fit - DE1_NE_r_fit         1          0     -0.009 -1.172 -4.876
##                             rmsea.robust srmr
## DE1_NE_r_fit - DE1_NE_r_fit            0 0.01

SEM estimates summary

summary(DE1_NE_r_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 29 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         13               
##   Number of equality constraints                     6               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                 6               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          154         157
##   Treatment                                        146         147
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                            2
##   Treatment                                          2
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                       2.493       2.009
##   Degrees of freedom                                 7           7
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.928       0.959
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.241
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                        1.472       1.186
##   Treatment                                      1.021       0.823
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic               75.614      53.135
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.423
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000       1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.055       1.091
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         1.000
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            1.079
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -1132.185   -1132.185
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.656
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -1130.938   -1130.938
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.229
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                          7           7
##   Akaike (AIC)                                2278.370    2278.370
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              2304.297    2304.297
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         2282.097    2282.097
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000       0.000
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.000  0.031       0.000  0.000
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.973       0.993
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.000
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.000  0.000
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.027       0.027
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot =~                                                                
##     vp1        (a)    1.000                               1.174    0.687
##     vp3        (a)    1.000                               1.174    0.678
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot ~                                                                 
##     pop     (.p3.)    0.470    0.740    0.635    0.525    0.400    0.048
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p8.)    2.338    0.148   15.781    0.000    2.338    1.368
##    .vp3     (.p9.)    2.939    0.148   19.903    0.000    2.939    1.698
##    .vot               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p4.)    1.542    0.236    6.520    0.000    1.542    0.528
##    .vp3     (.p5.)    1.618    0.244    6.622    0.000    1.618    0.540
##    .vot     (.p6.)    1.376    0.220    6.243    0.000    0.998    0.998
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     vp1               0.472
##     vp3               0.460
##     vot               0.002
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot =~                                                                
##     vp1        (a)    1.000                               1.175    0.687
##     vp3        (a)    1.000                               1.175    0.678
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot ~                                                                 
##     pop     (.p3.)    0.470    0.740    0.635    0.525    0.400    0.052
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p8.)    2.338    0.148   15.781    0.000    2.338    1.368
##    .vp3     (.p9.)    2.939    0.148   19.903    0.000    2.939    1.698
##    .vot              -0.110    0.171   -0.645    0.519   -0.094   -0.094
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p4.)    1.542    0.236    6.520    0.000    1.542    0.528
##    .vp3     (.p5.)    1.618    0.244    6.622    0.000    1.618    0.540
##    .vot     (.p6.)    1.376    0.220    6.243    0.000    0.997    0.997
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     vp1               0.472
##     vp3               0.460
##     vot               0.003
summary(DE1_NE_f_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 40 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         13               
##   Number of equality constraints                     5               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                 5               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations per group         
##   Control                                          154         157
##   Treatment                                        146         147
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   Control                                            2
##   Treatment                                          2
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                       1.665       1.323
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.948       0.970
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.259
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   Control                                        1.017       0.808
##   Treatment                                      0.648       0.515
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic               75.614      53.135
##   Degrees of freedom                                 6           6
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.423
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    1.000       1.000
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       1.062       1.099
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         1.000
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            1.088
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -1131.771   -1131.771
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.743
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -1130.938   -1130.938
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.229
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                          8           8
##   Akaike (AIC)                                2279.542    2279.542
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              2309.172    2309.172
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         2283.801    2283.801
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.000       0.000
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.000  0.011       0.000  0.000
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.979       0.995
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.000
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.000  0.000
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.017       0.017
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot =~                                                                
##     vp1        (a)    1.000                               1.171    0.687
##     vp3        (a)    1.000                               1.171    0.676
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot ~                                                                 
##     pop              -0.185    1.038   -0.179    0.858   -0.158   -0.019
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p8.)    2.399    0.165   14.532    0.000    2.399    1.408
##    .vp3     (.p9.)    2.999    0.161   18.608    0.000    2.999    1.733
##    .vot               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p4.)    1.533    0.234    6.553    0.000    1.533    0.528
##    .vp3     (.p5.)    1.626    0.244    6.657    0.000    1.626    0.543
##    .vot     (.p6.)    1.370    0.220    6.217    0.000    1.000    1.000
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     vp1               0.472
##     vp3               0.457
##     vot               0.000
## Group 2 [Treatment]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot =~                                                                
##     vp1        (a)    1.000                               1.179    0.689
##     vp3        (a)    1.000                               1.179    0.679
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   vot ~                                                                 
##     pop               1.055    1.035    1.019    0.308    0.895    0.117
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p8.)    2.399    0.165   14.532    0.000    2.399    1.403
##    .vp3     (.p9.)    2.999    0.161   18.608    0.000    2.999    1.727
##    .vot              -0.226    0.218   -1.040    0.299   -0.192   -0.192
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .vp1     (.p4.)    1.533    0.234    6.553    0.000    1.533    0.525
##    .vp3     (.p5.)    1.626    0.244    6.657    0.000    1.626    0.539
##    .vot     (.p6.)    1.370    0.220    6.217    0.000    0.986    0.986
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     vp1               0.475
##     vp3               0.461
##     vot               0.014

plot the path models

semPaths(DE1_NE_r_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
semPaths(DE1_NE_f_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
## null device 
##           1

Study 3 DE sample 2

convert into factor

DE2$EXPTRT <- factor(DE2$EXPTRT, levels = c(0,1,2), labels = c("Control","PEGIDA","LEIPZIG"))

measurement model

get the single populism score from multiple dimensions

DE2_measure.model <- '
pc =~ POPpc1 + POPpc2 + POPpc3 # people-centrism
ae =~ POPae1 + POPae2 + POPae3 # anti-elitism
mw =~ POPmw1 + POPmw2 + POPmw3 # manichean view of politics
' <- cfa(DE2_measure.model, DE2, estimator='mlr', mimic='mplus',missing='fiml', sample.mean=T)
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   170 171
range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x,na.rm=T))/(max(x,na.rm=T)-min(x,na.rm=T))}
pop_DE2 <- dimensions[,1]*dimensions[,2]*dimensions[,3]

political engagement strategy:

(+) engagement for the support of the Leipzig demonstration

(-) engagement for the support of the PEGIDA demonstration

DE2_model <- '
dsim =~ GrpIDdsim1 + GrpIDdsim2 + GrpIDdsim3 # group dissimilarity
datt =~ GrpIDdatt1 + GrpIDdatt2 + GrpIDdatt3 # group detachment
dsim ~~ datt # correlation between endogeneous variables
dsim ~ pop # regression
datt ~ pop # regression
DE2_r_fit <- sem (DE2_model,DE2, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                  group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                  group.equal=c("loadings", "intercepts",
                                "residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances",
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group PEGIDA due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group LEIPZIG due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.
DE2_f_fit <- sem (DE2_model,DE2, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml",
                  group = "EXPTRT", sample.mean = T,
                  group.equal=c("residuals", "residual.covariances", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances"),
                  group.partial=c("loadings", "intercepts", "regressions", "means"))
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group PEGIDA due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.

## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: 1 cases were deleted in group LEIPZIG due to missing values in 
##        exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.

model comparison & summary

anova(DE2_r_fit, DE2_f_fit)
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##           Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)  
## DE2_f_fit 54 4423.9 4595.2 154.36                                
## DE2_r_fit 74 4417.5 4512.8 188.02     36.734      20    0.01259 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
cf <- compareFit(DE2_r_fit, DE2_f_fit, nested=T)
## ################### Nested Model Comparison #########################
## Scaled Chi Square Difference Test (method = "satorra.bentler.2001")
##           Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff Df diff Pr(>Chisq)  
## DE2_f_fit 54 4423.9 4595.2 154.36                                
## DE2_r_fit 74 4417.5 4512.8 188.02     36.734      20    0.01259 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## ####################### Model Fit Indices ###########################
##           chisq.scaled df.scaled pvalue.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust
## DE2_f_fit     107.985†        54          .000      .926†      .913 
## DE2_r_fit     145.665         74          .000      .911       .924†
##                 aic       bic rmsea.robust  srmr
## DE2_f_fit 4423.878  4595.245         .113  .163†
## DE2_r_fit 4417.548† 4512.751†        .106† .179 
## ################## Differences in Fit Indices #######################
##                       df.scaled cfi.robust tli.robust    aic     bic
## DE2_r_fit - DE2_r_fit        20     -0.015      0.011 -6.331 -82.493
##                       rmsea.robust  srmr
## DE2_r_fit - DE2_r_fit       -0.007 0.015

SEM estimates summary

summary(DE2_r_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 57 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         67               
##   Number of equality constraints                    42               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                42               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations per group         
##   PEGIDA                                           134         135
##   Control                                           95          95
##   LEIPZIG                                          104         105
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   PEGIDA                                             3
##   Control                                            3
##   LEIPZIG                                            3
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     188.025     145.665
##   Degrees of freedom                                74          74
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.291
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   PEGIDA                                        56.605      43.853
##   Control                                       59.709      46.257
##   LEIPZIG                                       71.711      55.555
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             1130.088     793.058
##   Degrees of freedom                                63          63
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.425
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.893       0.902
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.909       0.916
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.911
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.924
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2183.774   -2183.774
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.511
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2089.761   -2089.761
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.311
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         25          25
##   Akaike (AIC)                                4417.548    4417.548
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              4512.751    4512.751
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         4433.450    4433.450
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.118       0.093
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.097  0.139       0.074  0.113
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.000
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.106
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.080  0.131
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.179       0.179
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [PEGIDA]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDd1           1.000                               0.804    0.826
##     GrpIDd2 (.p2.)    0.865    0.050   17.420    0.000    0.696    0.721
##     GrpIDd3 (.p3.)    0.964    0.039   24.455    0.000    0.775    0.815
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDd1           1.000                               0.795    0.793
##     GrpIDd2 (.p5.)    0.987    0.042   23.390    0.000    0.784    0.806
##     GrpIDd3 (.p6.)    1.017    0.046   22.229    0.000    0.809    0.797
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim ~                                                                
##     pop     (.p8.)    0.307    0.353    0.870    0.384    0.382    0.049
##   datt ~                                                                
##     pop     (.p9.)    0.148    0.324    0.457    0.648    0.186    0.024
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##  .dsim ~~                                                               
##    .datt    (.p7.)    0.546    0.063    8.661    0.000    0.855    0.855
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.19.)    3.973    0.096   41.362    0.000    3.973    4.082
##    .GrpIDd2 (.20.)    4.073    0.096   42.371    0.000    4.073    4.224
##    .GrpIDd3 (.21.)    4.072    0.093   43.967    0.000    4.072    4.279
##    .GrpIDd1 (.22.)    4.493    0.086   52.391    0.000    4.493    4.483
##    .GrpIDd2 (.23.)    4.208    0.093   45.415    0.000    4.208    4.324
##    .GrpIDd3 (.24.)    4.191    0.094   44.638    0.000    4.191    4.134
##    .dsim              0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .datt              0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.10.)    0.301    0.042    7.238    0.000    0.301    0.317
##    .GrpIDd2 (.11.)    0.446    0.094    4.743    0.000    0.446    0.480
##    .GrpIDd3 (.12.)    0.305    0.043    7.068    0.000    0.305    0.336
##    .GrpIDd1 (.13.)    0.373    0.071    5.230    0.000    0.373    0.371
##    .GrpIDd2 (.14.)    0.332    0.057    5.771    0.000    0.332    0.350
##    .GrpIDd3 (.15.)    0.374    0.057    6.588    0.000    0.374    0.364
##    .dsim    (.16.)    0.645    0.072    9.000    0.000    0.998    0.998
##    .datt    (.17.)    0.631    0.067    9.372    0.000    0.999    0.999
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.683
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.520
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.664
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.629
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.650
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.636
##     dsim              0.002
##     datt              0.001
## Group 2 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDd1           1.000                               0.804    0.826
##     GrpIDd2 (.p2.)    0.865    0.050   17.420    0.000    0.696    0.721
##     GrpIDd3 (.p3.)    0.964    0.039   24.455    0.000    0.775    0.815
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDd1           1.000                               0.795    0.793
##     GrpIDd2 (.p5.)    0.987    0.042   23.390    0.000    0.784    0.806
##     GrpIDd3 (.p6.)    1.017    0.046   22.229    0.000    0.809    0.797
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim ~                                                                
##     pop     (.p8.)    0.307    0.353    0.870    0.384    0.382    0.054
##   datt ~                                                                
##     pop     (.p9.)    0.148    0.324    0.457    0.648    0.186    0.026
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##  .dsim ~~                                                               
##    .datt    (.p7.)    0.546    0.063    8.661    0.000    0.855    0.855
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.19.)    3.973    0.096   41.362    0.000    3.973    4.082
##    .GrpIDd2 (.20.)    4.073    0.096   42.371    0.000    4.073    4.223
##    .GrpIDd3 (.21.)    4.072    0.093   43.967    0.000    4.072    4.278
##    .GrpIDd1 (.22.)    4.493    0.086   52.391    0.000    4.493    4.483
##    .GrpIDd2 (.23.)    4.208    0.093   45.415    0.000    4.208    4.324
##    .GrpIDd3 (.24.)    4.191    0.094   44.638    0.000    4.191    4.134
##    .dsim             -1.606    0.130  -12.364    0.000   -1.996   -1.996
##    .datt             -1.860    0.134  -13.853    0.000   -2.340   -2.340
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.10.)    0.301    0.042    7.238    0.000    0.301    0.317
##    .GrpIDd2 (.11.)    0.446    0.094    4.743    0.000    0.446    0.480
##    .GrpIDd3 (.12.)    0.305    0.043    7.068    0.000    0.305    0.336
##    .GrpIDd1 (.13.)    0.373    0.071    5.230    0.000    0.373    0.371
##    .GrpIDd2 (.14.)    0.332    0.057    5.771    0.000    0.332    0.350
##    .GrpIDd3 (.15.)    0.374    0.057    6.588    0.000    0.374    0.364
##    .dsim    (.16.)    0.645    0.072    9.000    0.000    0.997    0.997
##    .datt    (.17.)    0.631    0.067    9.372    0.000    0.999    0.999
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.683
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.520
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.664
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.629
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.650
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.636
##     dsim              0.003
##     datt              0.001
## Group 3 [LEIPZIG]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDd1           1.000                               0.804    0.826
##     GrpIDd2 (.p2.)    0.865    0.050   17.420    0.000    0.695    0.721
##     GrpIDd3 (.p3.)    0.964    0.039   24.455    0.000    0.775    0.815
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDd1           1.000                               0.795    0.793
##     GrpIDd2 (.p5.)    0.987    0.042   23.390    0.000    0.784    0.806
##     GrpIDd3 (.p6.)    1.017    0.046   22.229    0.000    0.809    0.797
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim ~                                                                
##     pop     (.p8.)    0.307    0.353    0.870    0.384    0.382    0.046
##   datt ~                                                                
##     pop     (.p9.)    0.148    0.324    0.457    0.648    0.186    0.022
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##  .dsim ~~                                                               
##    .datt    (.p7.)    0.546    0.063    8.661    0.000    0.855    0.855
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.19.)    3.973    0.096   41.362    0.000    3.973    4.083
##    .GrpIDd2 (.20.)    4.073    0.096   42.371    0.000    4.073    4.224
##    .GrpIDd3 (.21.)    4.072    0.093   43.967    0.000    4.072    4.279
##    .GrpIDd1 (.22.)    4.493    0.086   52.391    0.000    4.493    4.483
##    .GrpIDd2 (.23.)    4.208    0.093   45.415    0.000    4.208    4.324
##    .GrpIDd3 (.24.)    4.191    0.094   44.638    0.000    4.191    4.134
##    .dsim             -1.375    0.117  -11.716    0.000   -1.710   -1.710
##    .datt             -1.655    0.126  -13.087    0.000   -2.082   -2.082
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.10.)    0.301    0.042    7.238    0.000    0.301    0.317
##    .GrpIDd2 (.11.)    0.446    0.094    4.743    0.000    0.446    0.480
##    .GrpIDd3 (.12.)    0.305    0.043    7.068    0.000    0.305    0.336
##    .GrpIDd1 (.13.)    0.373    0.071    5.230    0.000    0.373    0.371
##    .GrpIDd2 (.14.)    0.332    0.057    5.771    0.000    0.332    0.350
##    .GrpIDd3 (.15.)    0.374    0.057    6.588    0.000    0.374    0.364
##    .dsim    (.16.)    0.645    0.072    9.000    0.000    0.998    0.998
##    .datt    (.17.)    0.631    0.067    9.372    0.000    0.999    0.999
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.683
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.520
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.664
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.629
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.650
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.636
##     dsim              0.002
##     datt              0.001
summary(DE2_f_fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 88 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         63               
##   Number of equality constraints                    18               
##   Row rank of the constraints matrix                18               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations per group         
##   PEGIDA                                           134         135
##   Control                                           95          95
##   LEIPZIG                                          104         105
##   Number of missing patterns per group     
##   PEGIDA                                             3
##   Control                                            3
##   LEIPZIG                                            3
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     154.355     107.985
##   Degrees of freedom                                54          54
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.429
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Chi-square for each group:
##   PEGIDA                                        36.355      25.434
##   Control                                       57.941      40.535
##   LEIPZIG                                       60.059      42.017
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             1130.088     793.058
##   Degrees of freedom                                63          63
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.425
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.906       0.926
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.890       0.914
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.926
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.913
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -2166.939   -2166.939
##   Scaling correction factor                                  0.835
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -2089.761   -2089.761
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.311
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         45          45
##   Akaike (AIC)                                4423.878    4423.878
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              4595.245    4595.245
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         4452.502    4452.502
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.129       0.095
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.106  0.154       0.073  0.117
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.000       0.001
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.113
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.082  0.144
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.163       0.163
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Group 1 [PEGIDA]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdsim1        1.000                               0.809    0.828
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.844    0.091    9.228    0.000    0.682    0.713
##     GrpIDdsim3        1.069    0.082   12.987    0.000    0.864    0.848
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdatt1        1.000                               0.719    0.758
##     GrpIDdatt2        1.239    0.153    8.088    0.000    0.890    0.849
##     GrpIDdatt3        1.334    0.150    8.912    0.000    0.959    0.857
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim ~                                                                
##     pop               1.345    0.485    2.771    0.006    1.663    0.213
##   datt ~                                                                
##     pop               0.774    0.411    1.885    0.059    1.078    0.138
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##  .dsim ~~                                                               
##    .datt    (.p7.)    0.474    0.067    7.075    0.000    0.843    0.843
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDdsim1        3.816    0.112   34.135    0.000    3.816    3.907
##    .GrpIDdsim2        3.977    0.108   36.719    0.000    3.977    4.156
##    .GrpIDdsim3        3.887    0.117   33.345    0.000    3.887    3.814
##    .GrpIDdatt1        4.473    0.096   46.714    0.000    4.473    4.717
##    .GrpIDdatt2        4.057    0.109   37.305    0.000    4.057    3.867
##    .GrpIDdatt3        4.021    0.120   33.575    0.000    4.021    3.592
##    .dsim              0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .datt              0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.10.)    0.300    0.041    7.353    0.000    0.300    0.315
##    .GrpIDd2 (.11.)    0.451    0.093    4.832    0.000    0.451    0.492
##    .GrpIDd3 (.12.)    0.291    0.044    6.567    0.000    0.291    0.281
##    .GrpIDd1 (.13.)    0.383    0.072    5.354    0.000    0.383    0.426
##    .GrpIDd2 (.14.)    0.308    0.055    5.594    0.000    0.308    0.280
##    .GrpIDd3 (.15.)    0.334    0.052    6.407    0.000    0.334    0.266
##    .dsim    (.16.)    0.624    0.075    8.300    0.000    0.954    0.954
##    .datt    (.17.)    0.507    0.079    6.390    0.000    0.981    0.981
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.685
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.508
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.719
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.574
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.720
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.734
##     dsim              0.046
##     datt              0.019
## Group 2 [Control]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdsim1        1.000                               0.796    0.824
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.829    0.111    7.489    0.000    0.660    0.701
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.977    0.107    9.175    0.000    0.778    0.822
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdatt1        1.000                               0.725    0.761
##     GrpIDdatt2        1.086    0.096   11.284    0.000    0.787    0.817
##     GrpIDdatt3        1.046    0.103   10.194    0.000    0.758    0.795
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim ~                                                                
##     pop              -0.717    0.520   -1.377    0.168   -0.900   -0.127
##   datt ~                                                                
##     pop              -0.980    0.514   -1.907    0.056   -1.352   -0.190
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##  .dsim ~~                                                               
##    .datt    (.p7.)    0.474    0.067    7.075    0.000    0.843    0.843
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDdsim1        2.464    0.141   17.501    0.000    2.464    2.549
##    .GrpIDdsim2        2.866    0.132   21.727    0.000    2.866    3.045
##    .GrpIDdsim3        2.722    0.142   19.192    0.000    2.722    2.874
##    .GrpIDdatt1        2.800    0.156   17.915    0.000    2.800    2.938
##    .GrpIDdatt2        2.597    0.152   17.112    0.000    2.597    2.697
##    .GrpIDdatt3        2.460    0.155   15.907    0.000    2.460    2.580
##    .dsim              0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .datt              0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.10.)    0.300    0.041    7.353    0.000    0.300    0.321
##    .GrpIDd2 (.11.)    0.451    0.093    4.832    0.000    0.451    0.509
##    .GrpIDd3 (.12.)    0.291    0.044    6.567    0.000    0.291    0.325
##    .GrpIDd1 (.13.)    0.383    0.072    5.354    0.000    0.383    0.421
##    .GrpIDd2 (.14.)    0.308    0.055    5.594    0.000    0.308    0.332
##    .GrpIDd3 (.15.)    0.334    0.052    6.407    0.000    0.334    0.367
##    .dsim    (.16.)    0.624    0.075    8.300    0.000    0.984    0.984
##    .datt    (.17.)    0.507    0.079    6.390    0.000    0.964    0.964
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.679
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.491
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.675
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.579
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.668
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.633
##     dsim              0.016
##     datt              0.036
## Group 3 [LEIPZIG]:
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdsim1        1.000                               0.790    0.822
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.844    0.064   13.184    0.000    0.667    0.705
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.928    0.083   11.230    0.000    0.733    0.805
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdatt1        1.000                               0.714    0.756
##     GrpIDdatt2        1.132    0.134    8.456    0.000    0.808    0.824
##     GrpIDdatt3        1.221    0.124    9.870    0.000    0.871    0.833
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   dsim ~                                                                
##     pop               0.008    0.811    0.010    0.992    0.010    0.001
##   datt ~                                                                
##     pop               0.429    0.608    0.706    0.480    0.602    0.072
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##  .dsim ~~                                                               
##    .datt    (.p7.)    0.474    0.067    7.075    0.000    0.843    0.843
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDdsim1        2.707    0.131   20.654    0.000    2.707    2.816
##    .GrpIDdsim2        2.832    0.117   24.199    0.000    2.832    2.993
##    .GrpIDdsim3        2.770    0.127   21.837    0.000    2.770    3.043
##    .GrpIDdatt1        2.711    0.122   22.279    0.000    2.711    2.871
##    .GrpIDdatt2        2.539    0.136   18.614    0.000    2.539    2.590
##    .GrpIDdatt3        2.532    0.145   17.432    0.000    2.532    2.422
##    .dsim              0.000                               0.000    0.000
##    .datt              0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .GrpIDd1 (.10.)    0.300    0.041    7.353    0.000    0.300    0.325
##    .GrpIDd2 (.11.)    0.451    0.093    4.832    0.000    0.451    0.503
##    .GrpIDd3 (.12.)    0.291    0.044    6.567    0.000    0.291    0.352
##    .GrpIDd1 (.13.)    0.383    0.072    5.354    0.000    0.383    0.429
##    .GrpIDd2 (.14.)    0.308    0.055    5.594    0.000    0.308    0.321
##    .GrpIDd3 (.15.)    0.334    0.052    6.407    0.000    0.334    0.306
##    .dsim    (.16.)    0.624    0.075    8.300    0.000    1.000    1.000
##    .datt    (.17.)    0.507    0.079    6.390    0.000    0.995    0.995
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.675
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.497
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.648
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.571
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.679
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.694
##     dsim              0.000
##     datt              0.005

plot the path models

semPaths(DE2_r_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
semPaths(DE2_f_fit, "mod", "std", intercept=F, rotation = 2, edge.label.cex=.9, sizeMan = 5, sizeLat = 6, optimizeLatRes=T, ask=F)
## null device 
##           1

measurement models & construct reliabilities


model <- '
pop =~ ant1 + ant2 + ant3 + ant5 + pop2 + pop3 + pop4 # populist attitudes
ase =~ anes617 + anes616 + anes615 # active support in elections
rpa =~ radact1 + radact2 + radact3 + radact5 + radact6 # legitimate radical political action
fit <- cfa (model, data=US, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml", std.ov=T,
summary(fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 24 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         48               
##   Number of observations                           646
##   Number of missing patterns                       574
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     200.182     163.606
##   Degrees of freedom                                87          87
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.224
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             3204.685    2173.598
##   Degrees of freedom                               105         105
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.474
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.963       0.963
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.956       0.955
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.969
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.963
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -7964.492   -7964.492
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.684
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -7864.401   -7864.401
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.387
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         48          48
##   Akaike (AIC)                               16024.985   16024.985
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             16239.583   16239.583
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        16087.185   16087.185
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.045       0.037
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.037  0.053       0.029  0.045
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.844       0.998
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.041
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.031  0.050
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.057       0.057
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop =~                                                                
##     ant1              0.845    0.046   18.304    0.000    0.845    0.844
##     ant2              0.801    0.050   15.886    0.000    0.801    0.796
##     ant3              0.715    0.053   13.408    0.000    0.715    0.716
##     ant5              0.685    0.046   14.794    0.000    0.685    0.688
##     pop2              0.501    0.065    7.757    0.000    0.501    0.501
##     pop3              0.622    0.052   11.861    0.000    0.622    0.626
##     pop4              0.461    0.063    7.325    0.000    0.461    0.459
##   ase =~                                                                
##     anes617           0.931    0.040   23.521    0.000    0.931    0.931
##     anes616           0.941    0.035   26.902    0.000    0.941    0.942
##     anes615           0.751    0.043   17.481    0.000    0.751    0.752
##   rpa =~                                                                
##     radact1           0.718    0.060   11.940    0.000    0.718    0.721
##     radact2           0.800    0.050   16.032    0.000    0.800    0.806
##     radact3           0.885    0.052   16.988    0.000    0.885    0.862
##     radact5           0.826    0.051   16.246    0.000    0.826    0.830
##     radact6           0.623    0.048   12.948    0.000    0.623    0.624
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pop ~~                                                                
##     ase              -0.238    0.049   -4.837    0.000   -0.238   -0.238
##     rpa              -0.069    0.055   -1.258    0.208   -0.069   -0.069
##   ase ~~                                                                
##     rpa               0.228    0.047    4.807    0.000    0.228    0.228
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1             -0.038    0.046   -0.825    0.409   -0.038   -0.038
##    .ant2              0.010    0.046    0.212    0.832    0.010    0.010
##    .ant3              0.015    0.046    0.324    0.746    0.015    0.015
##    .ant5             -0.013    0.046   -0.286    0.775   -0.013   -0.013
##    .pop2              0.002    0.049    0.034    0.973    0.002    0.002
##    .pop3             -0.000    0.048   -0.008    0.994   -0.000   -0.000
##    .pop4              0.023    0.049    0.471    0.638    0.023    0.023
##    .anes617          -0.000    0.039   -0.000    1.000   -0.000   -0.000
##    .anes616          -0.000    0.039   -0.000    1.000   -0.000   -0.000
##    .anes615          -0.000    0.039   -0.000    1.000   -0.000   -0.000
##    .radact1           0.002    0.046    0.042    0.967    0.002    0.002
##    .radact2          -0.001    0.045   -0.029    0.977   -0.001   -0.001
##    .radact3           0.061    0.046    1.322    0.186    0.061    0.060
##    .radact5           0.016    0.045    0.363    0.717    0.016    0.016
##    .radact6          -0.002    0.047   -0.035    0.972   -0.002   -0.002
##     pop               0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     ase               0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     rpa               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .ant1              0.287    0.058    4.939    0.000    0.287    0.287
##    .ant2              0.371    0.060    6.209    0.000    0.371    0.366
##    .ant3              0.484    0.064    7.568    0.000    0.484    0.487
##    .ant5              0.522    0.058    9.054    0.000    0.522    0.526
##    .pop2              0.751    0.090    8.384    0.000    0.751    0.749
##    .pop3              0.600    0.079    7.608    0.000    0.600    0.608
##    .pop4              0.793    0.072   11.073    0.000    0.793    0.789
##    .anes617           0.132    0.029    4.494    0.000    0.132    0.132
##    .anes616           0.113    0.033    3.377    0.001    0.113    0.113
##    .anes615           0.434    0.048    8.994    0.000    0.434    0.435
##    .radact1           0.477    0.069    6.921    0.000    0.477    0.480
##    .radact2           0.345    0.078    4.427    0.000    0.345    0.350
##    .radact3           0.270    0.064    4.193    0.000    0.270    0.256
##    .radact5           0.307    0.072    4.284    0.000    0.307    0.310
##    .radact6           0.609    0.065    9.399    0.000    0.609    0.611
##     pop               1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     ase               1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     rpa               1.000                               1.000    1.000
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     ant1              0.713
##     ant2              0.634
##     ant3              0.513
##     ant5              0.474
##     pop2              0.251
##     pop3              0.392
##     pop4              0.211
##     anes617           0.868
##     anes616           0.887
##     anes615           0.565
##     radact1           0.520
##     radact2           0.650
##     radact3           0.744
##     radact5           0.690
##     radact6           0.389
semPaths(fit, "mod", "std", intercepts = F, edge.label.cex=1, rotation = 4, layout = "tree3")

##         pop  ase  rpa total
## alpha  0.85 0.91 0.88  0.72
## omega  0.85 0.91 0.88  0.86
## omega2 0.85 0.91 0.88  0.86
## omega3 0.84 0.91 0.88  0.87
## avevar 0.46 0.77 0.60  0.57


model <- '
pc =~ POPpc3 + POPpc1 # people-centrism
ae =~ POPae3 + POPae1 # anti-elitism
mw =~ POPmwv3 + POPmwv1 # manichean view of politics
gc =~ alwVote + KWAoGov + ActSocPol # active citizen (+) engagement
vot =~ vp3 + vp1 # not voting (-) engagement
fit <- cfa (model, data=DE1, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml", std.ov=T,
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   13 125 266
summary(fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 59 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         43               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                           301         304
##   Number of missing patterns                        10
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                      84.035      82.122
##   Degrees of freedom                                34          34
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.023
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic              661.384     581.224
##   Degrees of freedom                                55          55
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.138
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.917       0.909
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.867       0.852
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.918
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.867
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -4369.867   -4369.867
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.141
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -4327.850   -4327.850
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.089
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         43          43
##   Akaike (AIC)                                8825.734    8825.734
##   Bayesian (BIC)                              8985.140    8985.140
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         8848.768    8848.768
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.070       0.069
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.051  0.089       0.050  0.087
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.040       0.050
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.069
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.050  0.089
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.053       0.053
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pc =~                                                                 
##     POPpc3            0.223    0.117    1.901    0.057    0.223    0.223
##     POPpc1            0.328    0.176    1.861    0.063    0.328    0.328
##   ae =~                                                                 
##     POPae3            0.938    0.139    6.740    0.000    0.938    0.941
##     POPae1            0.571    0.099    5.763    0.000    0.571    0.572
##   mw =~                                                                 
##     POPmwv3           0.772    0.120    6.438    0.000    0.772    0.773
##     POPmwv1           0.390    0.086    4.513    0.000    0.390    0.391
##   gc =~                                                                 
##     alwVote           0.993    0.073   13.677    0.000    0.993    0.995
##     KWAoGov           0.355    0.072    4.914    0.000    0.355    0.355
##     ActSocPol         0.325    0.069    4.714    0.000    0.325    0.325
##   vot =~                                                                
##     vp3               0.852    0.062   13.699    0.000    0.852    0.854
##     vp1               0.544    0.075    7.291    0.000    0.544    0.545
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pc ~~                                                                 
##     ae                0.162    0.182    0.887    0.375    0.162    0.162
##     mw                0.677    0.321    2.109    0.035    0.677    0.677
##     gc                0.288    0.187    1.543    0.123    0.288    0.288
##     vot              -0.417    0.290   -1.435    0.151   -0.417   -0.417
##   ae ~~                                                                 
##     mw                0.413    0.098    4.229    0.000    0.413    0.413
##     gc               -0.186    0.058   -3.184    0.001   -0.186   -0.186
##     vot               0.233    0.071    3.280    0.001    0.233    0.233
##   mw ~~                                                                 
##     gc               -0.155    0.089   -1.749    0.080   -0.155   -0.155
##     vot              -0.001    0.093   -0.014    0.989   -0.001   -0.001
##   gc ~~                                                                 
##     vot              -0.844    0.050  -16.873    0.000   -0.844   -0.844
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .POPpc3            0.000    0.058    0.003    0.998    0.000    0.000
##    .POPpc1            0.000    0.058    0.007    0.994    0.000    0.000
##    .POPae3            0.001    0.058    0.026    0.979    0.001    0.001
##    .POPae1           -0.002    0.058   -0.035    0.972   -0.002   -0.002
##    .POPmwv3          -0.003    0.058   -0.047    0.962   -0.003   -0.003
##    .POPmwv1          -0.001    0.058   -0.025    0.980   -0.001   -0.001
##    .alwVote           0.002    0.057    0.031    0.975    0.002    0.002
##    .KWAoGov           0.001    0.058    0.016    0.987    0.001    0.001
##    .ActSocPol        -0.003    0.058   -0.046    0.963   -0.003   -0.003
##    .vp3              -0.004    0.058   -0.063    0.950   -0.004   -0.004
##    .vp1              -0.002    0.058   -0.040    0.968   -0.002   -0.002
##     pc                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     ae                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     mw                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     gc                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     vot               0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .POPpc3            0.947    0.082   11.516    0.000    0.947    0.950
##    .POPpc1            0.889    0.121    7.322    0.000    0.889    0.892
##    .POPae3            0.114    0.257    0.444    0.657    0.114    0.115
##    .POPae1            0.670    0.105    6.414    0.000    0.670    0.673
##    .POPmwv3           0.400    0.190    2.109    0.035    0.400    0.402
##    .POPmwv1           0.845    0.074   11.482    0.000    0.845    0.847
##    .alwVote           0.010    0.094    0.103    0.918    0.010    0.010
##    .KWAoGov           0.871    0.091    9.612    0.000    0.871    0.874
##    .ActSocPol         0.894    0.071   12.661    0.000    0.894    0.895
##    .vp3               0.268    0.089    2.998    0.003    0.268    0.270
##    .vp1               0.700    0.088    7.945    0.000    0.700    0.703
##     pc                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     ae                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     mw                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     gc                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     vot               1.000                               1.000    1.000
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     POPpc3            0.050
##     POPpc1            0.108
##     POPae3            0.885
##     POPae1            0.327
##     POPmwv3           0.598
##     POPmwv1           0.153
##     alwVote           0.990
##     KWAoGov           0.126
##     ActSocPol         0.105
##     vp3               0.730
##     vp1               0.297
semPaths(fit, "mod", "std", intercepts = F, edge.label.cex=1, rotation = 4, layout = "tree3")

##          pc   ae   mw   gc  vot total
## alpha  0.14 0.70 0.46 0.64 0.63  0.30
## omega  0.14 0.74 0.52 0.61 0.67  0.50
## omega2 0.14 0.74 0.52 0.61 0.67  0.50
## omega3 0.14 0.74 0.52 0.54 0.67  0.44
## avevar 0.08 0.61 0.38 0.41 0.51  0.40


model <- '
pc =~ POPpc1 + POPpc2 + POPpc3 # people-centrism
ae =~ POPae1 + POPae2 + POPae3 # anti-elitism
mw =~ POPmw1 + POPmw2 + POPmw3 # manichean view of politics
dsim =~ GrpIDdsim1 + GrpIDdsim2 + GrpIDdsim3 # group dissimilarity
datt =~ GrpIDdatt1 + GrpIDdatt2 + GrpIDdatt3 # group detachment
fit <- cfa (model, data=DE2, estimator="mlr", mimic="mplus", missing="fiml", std.ov=T,
## Warning in lav_data_full(data = data, group = group, cluster = cluster, : lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:
##   170 171
summary(fit, fit.measures=T, standardized=T, rsquare=T)
## lavaan 0.6-5.1457 ended normally after 44 iterations
##   Estimator                                         ML               
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB               
##   Number of free parameters                         55               
##                                                   Used       Total
##   Number of observations                           333         335
##   Number of missing patterns                        12
##   Model Fit Test Statistic                     108.014     100.652
##   Degrees of freedom                                80          80
##   P-value (Chi-square)                           0.020       0.059
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.073
##     for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)
## Model test baseline model:
##   Minimum Function Test Statistic             2190.837    1800.605
##   Degrees of freedom                               105         105
##   P-value                                        0.000       0.000
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.217
## User model versus baseline model:
##   Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.987       0.988
##   Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.982       0.984
##   Robust Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                         0.989
##   Robust Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                            0.986
## Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
##   Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -5891.106   -5891.106
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.285
##     for the MLR correction
##   Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -5837.099   -5837.099
##   Scaling correction factor                                  1.159
##     for the MLR correction
##   Number of free parameters                         55          55
##   Akaike (AIC)                               11892.211   11892.211
##   Bayesian (BIC)                             12101.659   12101.659
##   Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)        11927.196   11927.196
## Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:
##   RMSEA                                          0.032       0.028
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval          0.013  0.047       0.000  0.043
##   P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.977       0.994
##   Robust RMSEA                                               0.029
##   90 Percent Confidence Interval                             0.000  0.045
## Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:
##   SRMR                                           0.041       0.041
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Information                                 Observed
##   Observed information based on                Hessian
##   Standard Errors                   Robust.huber.white
## Latent Variables:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pc =~                                                                 
##     POPpc1            0.596    0.082    7.261    0.000    0.596    0.597
##     POPpc2            0.481    0.081    5.963    0.000    0.481    0.481
##     POPpc3            0.580    0.086    6.707    0.000    0.580    0.580
##   ae =~                                                                 
##     POPae1            0.717    0.062   11.545    0.000    0.717    0.718
##     POPae2            0.555    0.063    8.788    0.000    0.555    0.555
##     POPae3            0.801    0.064   12.425    0.000    0.801    0.802
##   mw =~                                                                 
##     POPmw1            0.636    0.131    4.871    0.000    0.636    0.637
##     POPmw2            0.486    0.100    4.841    0.000    0.486    0.487
##     POPmw3            0.254    0.115    2.207    0.027    0.254    0.254
##   dsim =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.892    0.035   25.651    0.000    0.892    0.893
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.815    0.047   17.237    0.000    0.815    0.816
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.886    0.037   23.862    0.000    0.886    0.887
##   datt =~                                                               
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.877    0.035   24.804    0.000    0.877    0.878
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.899    0.037   24.488    0.000    0.899    0.901
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.895    0.033   26.718    0.000    0.895    0.897
## Covariances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##   pc ~~                                                                 
##     ae                0.359    0.084    4.272    0.000    0.359    0.359
##     mw               -0.105    0.114   -0.925    0.355   -0.105   -0.105
##     dsim             -0.153    0.079   -1.940    0.052   -0.153   -0.153
##     datt             -0.145    0.077   -1.877    0.061   -0.145   -0.145
##   ae ~~                                                                 
##     mw                0.155    0.113    1.374    0.170    0.155    0.155
##     dsim             -0.054    0.073   -0.736    0.462   -0.054   -0.054
##     datt             -0.055    0.071   -0.782    0.434   -0.055   -0.055
##   mw ~~                                                                 
##     dsim              0.207    0.089    2.327    0.020    0.207    0.207
##     datt              0.191    0.107    1.786    0.074    0.191    0.191
##   dsim ~~                                                               
##     datt              0.923    0.019   48.324    0.000    0.923    0.923
## Intercepts:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .POPpc1           -0.001    0.055   -0.010    0.992   -0.001   -0.001
##    .POPpc2           -0.000    0.055   -0.000    1.000   -0.000   -0.000
##    .POPpc3           -0.000    0.055   -0.000    1.000   -0.000   -0.000
##    .POPae1            0.002    0.055    0.030    0.976    0.002    0.002
##    .POPae2            0.000    0.055    0.002    0.999    0.000    0.000
##    .POPae3            0.000    0.055    0.000    1.000    0.000    0.000
##    .POPmw1           -0.000    0.055   -0.000    1.000   -0.000   -0.000
##    .POPmw2            0.002    0.055    0.045    0.964    0.002    0.002
##    .POPmw3            0.000    0.055    0.006    0.995    0.000    0.000
##    .GrpIDdsim1        0.002    0.056    0.045    0.964    0.002    0.002
##    .GrpIDdsim2        0.002    0.056    0.041    0.968    0.002    0.002
##    .GrpIDdsim3        0.002    0.056    0.044    0.965    0.002    0.002
##    .GrpIDdatt1        0.000    0.056    0.000    1.000    0.000    0.000
##    .GrpIDdatt2        0.003    0.056    0.053    0.957    0.003    0.003
##    .GrpIDdatt3        0.004    0.056    0.079    0.937    0.004    0.004
##     pc                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     ae                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     mw                0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     dsim              0.000                               0.000    0.000
##     datt              0.000                               0.000    0.000
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)  Std.all
##    .POPpc1            0.641    0.110    5.824    0.000    0.641    0.644
##    .POPpc2            0.766    0.123    6.218    0.000    0.766    0.768
##    .POPpc3            0.661    0.104    6.340    0.000    0.661    0.663
##    .POPae1            0.482    0.074    6.489    0.000    0.482    0.484
##    .POPae2            0.690    0.076    9.035    0.000    0.690    0.692
##    .POPae3            0.356    0.086    4.138    0.000    0.356    0.357
##    .POPmw1            0.593    0.161    3.686    0.000    0.593    0.594
##    .POPmw2            0.762    0.146    5.228    0.000    0.762    0.763
##    .POPmw3            0.933    0.078   11.923    0.000    0.933    0.936
##    .GrpIDdsim1        0.202    0.028    7.211    0.000    0.202    0.203
##    .GrpIDdsim2        0.334    0.070    4.787    0.000    0.334    0.335
##    .GrpIDdsim3        0.213    0.031    6.971    0.000    0.213    0.213
##    .GrpIDdatt1        0.229    0.039    5.803    0.000    0.229    0.230
##    .GrpIDdatt2        0.187    0.033    5.635    0.000    0.187    0.188
##    .GrpIDdatt3        0.196    0.030    6.541    0.000    0.196    0.196
##     pc                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     ae                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     mw                1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     dsim              1.000                               1.000    1.000
##     datt              1.000                               1.000    1.000
## R-Square:
##                    Estimate
##     POPpc1            0.356
##     POPpc2            0.232
##     POPpc3            0.337
##     POPae1            0.516
##     POPae2            0.308
##     POPae3            0.643
##     POPmw1            0.406
##     POPmw2            0.237
##     POPmw3            0.064
##     GrpIDdsim1        0.797
##     GrpIDdsim2        0.665
##     GrpIDdsim3        0.787
##     GrpIDdatt1        0.770
##     GrpIDdatt2        0.812
##     GrpIDdatt3        0.804
semPaths(fit, "mod", "std", intercepts = F, edge.label.cex=1, rotation = 4, layout = "tree3")

##          pc   ae   mw dsim datt total
## alpha  0.57 0.73 0.40 0.90 0.92  0.72
## omega  0.57 0.74 0.45 0.90 0.92  0.84
## omega2 0.57 0.74 0.45 0.90 0.92  0.84
## omega3 0.57 0.74 0.46 0.90 0.92  0.82
## avevar 0.31 0.49 0.24 0.75 0.80  0.52

get the descriptive statistics


US %>% 
  select(ant1,ant2,ant3,ant5,pop2,pop3, pop4,anes617,anes616,anes615,radact1,radact2,radact3,radact5,radact6) %>% 
  gather("Variable", "value") %>% 
  group_by(Variable) %>% 
  summarise(Mean=mean(value, na.rm=T), 
            SD=sd(value, na.rm=T), 
            min=min(value, na.rm=T), 
            max=max(value, na.rm=T), 
            '% Missing'=100*length(which( %>% 
  kable(digits=2, format="pandoc", caption="Descriptive Statistics US")
Descriptive Statistics US
Variable Mean SD min max % Missing
anes615 2.11 1.69 1 7 0.00
anes616 2.16 1.73 1 7 0.00
anes617 2.05 1.67 1 7 0.00
ant1 5.63 1.41 1 7 39.01
ant2 5.53 1.40 1 7 39.47
ant3 5.22 1.44 1 7 38.85
ant5 4.58 1.66 1 7 38.39
pop2 5.72 1.26 1 7 40.40
pop3 5.18 1.63 1 7 41.18
pop4 5.03 1.53 1 7 40.87
radact1 1.92 1.48 1 7 38.24
radact2 2.49 1.71 1 7 38.08
radact3 2.22 1.59 1 7 35.60
radact5 2.26 1.56 1 7 37.00
radact6 2.96 1.82 1 7 39.32
US_fdp <- US %>% select(ant1,ant2,ant3,ant5,pop2,pop3, pop4,anes617,anes616,anes615,radact1,radact2,radact3,radact5,radact6)
s1dp <- ggplot(melt(US_fdp),aes(x=value)) + geom_density() + facet_wrap(~variable) + ggtitle("US: Density plots of the items used in Study 1")
## No id variables; using all as measure variables


DE1 %>% 
  select(POPpc3,POPpc1,POPae3,POPae1,POPmwv3,POPmwv1,alwVote,KWAoGov,ActSocPol,vp3,vp1) %>% 
  gather("Variable", "value") %>% 
  group_by(Variable) %>% 
  summarise(Mean=mean(value, na.rm=T), 
            SD=sd(value, na.rm=T), 
            min=min(value, na.rm=T), 
            max=max(value, na.rm=T), 
            '% Missing'=100*length(which( %>% 
  kable(digits=2, format="pandoc", caption="Descriptive Statistics DE 1")
Descriptive Statistics DE 1
Variable Mean SD min max % Missing
ActSocPol 4.59 1.56 1 7 1.64
alwVote 5.82 1.48 1 7 1.32
KWAoGov 5.37 1.28 1 7 1.32
POPae1 4.27 1.60 1 7 1.64
POPae3 3.43 1.55 1 7 1.97
POPmwv1 3.25 1.62 1 7 1.64
POPmwv3 2.61 1.62 1 7 1.97
POPpc1 3.64 1.54 1 7 1.97
POPpc3 2.51 1.55 1 7 1.32
vp1 2.33 1.71 1 7 1.97
vp3 2.93 1.74 1 7 1.97
DE1_fdp <- DE1 %>% select(POPpc3,POPpc1,POPae3,POPae1,POPmwv3,POPmwv1,alwVote,KWAoGov,ActSocPol,vp3,vp1)
s2dp <- ggplot(melt(DE1_fdp),aes(x=value)) + geom_density() + facet_wrap(~variable) + ggtitle("DE: Density plots of the items used in Study 2")
## No id variables; using all as measure variables


DE2 %>% 
  select(POPpc1,POPpc2,POPpc3,POPae1,POPae2,POPae3,POPmw1,POPmw2,POPmw3,GrpIDdsim1,GrpIDdsim2,GrpIDdsim3,GrpIDdatt1,GrpIDdatt2,GrpIDdatt3) %>% 
  gather("Variable", "value") %>% 
  group_by(Variable) %>% 
  summarise(Mean=mean(value, na.rm=T), 
            SD=sd(value, na.rm=T), 
            min=min(value, na.rm=T), 
            max=max(value, na.rm=T), 
            '% Missing'=100*length(which( %>% 
  kable(digits=2, format="pandoc", caption="Descriptive Statistics DE2")
Descriptive Statistics DE2
Variable Mean SD min max % Missing
GrpIDdatt1 3.48 1.33 1 5 4.48
GrpIDdatt2 3.20 1.30 1 5 5.07
GrpIDdatt3 3.15 1.35 1 5 5.07
GrpIDdsim1 3.14 1.22 1 5 4.78
GrpIDdsim2 3.35 1.16 1 5 4.78
GrpIDdsim3 3.27 1.19 1 5 4.78
POPae1 4.27 1.55 1 7 0.90
POPae2 3.72 1.21 1 7 1.49
POPae3 3.54 1.58 1 7 0.60
POPmw1 3.14 1.59 1 7 1.79
POPmw2 2.54 1.47 1 7 2.09
POPmw3 3.31 1.60 1 7 2.09
POPpc1 6.07 1.00 2 7 0.90
POPpc2 5.91 1.36 1 7 0.60
POPpc3 5.09 1.33 1 7 0.60
DE2_fdp <- DE2 %>% select(POPpc1,POPpc2,POPpc3,POPae1,POPae2,POPae3,POPmw1,POPmw2,POPmw3,GrpIDdsim1,GrpIDdsim2,GrpIDdsim3,GrpIDdatt1,GrpIDdatt2,GrpIDdatt3)
s3dp <- ggplot(melt(DE2_fdp),aes(x=value)) + geom_density() + facet_wrap(~variable) + ggtitle("DE: Density plots of the items used in Study 3")
## No id variables; using all as measure variables
gridExtra::grid.arrange(s1dp,s2dp,s3dp, nrow=2, ncol=2)
## Warning: Removed 3013 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 57 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).
## Warning: Removed 134 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

Study 2

Figure 1: self-report political orientation

##   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
##  19  48 109  53  36  20  10   4
DE1$POlr <- factor(DE1$POlr,
                   levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),
                   labels = c("Left","2","3", "4","5","6","7","Right"))

DE1 %>% select(POlr) %>% drop_na() %>% ggplot(., aes(x=POlr)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(y = (..count..)),fill="grey", alpha=0.6) + 
  geom_text(aes(y = (..count..) ,label =   ifelse((..count..)==0,"",scales::percent((..count..)/sum(..count..)))), stat="count",colour="black") +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Self-Report Political Orientation in %") +
  ylab("Frequency") + 
  labs(title="Political orientation of the German university students in study 2")

Study 3

Figure 2: self-report political orientation

##   1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
##  25  57 117  57  41  25   7
DE2$PolOrLR <- factor(DE2$PolOrLR,
                      levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),
                      labels = c("Left","2","3", "4","5","6","Right"))
DE2 %>% select(PolOrLR) %>% drop_na() %>% ggplot(., aes(x=PolOrLR)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(y = (..count..)),fill="grey", alpha=0.6) + 
  geom_text(aes(y = (..count..) ,label =   ifelse((..count..)==0,"",scales::percent((..count..)/sum(..count..)))), stat="count",colour="black") +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Self-Report Political Orientation in %") +
  ylab("Frequency") + 
  labs(title="Political orientation of the German university students in study 3")