22/01/2025: Part 2: Job Satisfaction with 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

26/12/2024: Part 1: Developer Profiles with 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

15/03/2023: Sharing Knowledge, Not Hoarding It: Tackling Organizational Silos – Survey results from Stack Overflow 2022

15/06/2022: What do political psychologists study?

23/04/2022: Coauthor network analysis of political psychologists

09/01/2022: What was the highlight of my Ph.D. work?

29/07/2021: Psychological profiles, socio-demographics and political orientation, and the way many sociologists, political scientists and psychologists think of them

08/03/2021: Visualizing vDEM democracy scores using plotly…

26/04/2020: An informal benchmarking within psychometrics: attitude network approach vs. the general SEM framework using German national identity as an example

02/12/2019: Ultra-short version of Collective Narcissism Scale for the Prejudice Lab at Goldsmiths, University of London. Pdf version here; HTML version here.

09/06/2019: Juxtaposing psychometrics, topic modeling, and social network analysis to model competing nationalist discourses

16/04/2019: semtree vs. network tree